Friday, August 29, 2008

Week 1. Finished. Life threw me curve balls this week - a week already full of intensity because of my new venture. Then Murphy decided to mess around with my life. Everything seemed to fall apart at once, and at the moment I thought all was lost- I received a message saying that when everything falls apart you are in the best position - because then you just pick up the necessary pieces and reassemble. The Universe has been sending me very clear signals lately - perhaps it always has but I was too distracted to see them... or perhaps you only see them when you are scared and looking for them. Either way, when you are scared and need guidance- it is great to get the little signals that say 'you are where you should be'. I have no idea why I jumped tracks and ventured totally outside of my normal realm, which would be a more passive mode of operation... but everything in my life pointed to "GO". I feel like I've been sent on a reconnaissance mission... traveling ahead to prepare for some thing. I've got the tools and am cutting down the brush and making a path... a path to the other side of the fog.

Labor Day Weekend is here, which signals the end of summer. It seems like just yesterday was the last day of school and the summer loomed ahead, brimming with promise and activity. If you told me on that day that I was not going to be where I am today - I would have thought you were nuts... but somehow, something shifted and here I am.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

When meeting new people in life - often you run across that person that just cannot see the sunshine without mentioning that there are days when it will rain. It's the never ending optimist against the pessimist story. Is the glass half full or half empty? What do you do when you run into the person who doesn't even believe there is anything in the glass at all? Every interaction leaves you befuddled... no matter how you approach a conversation - your words are turned, twisted, spun into a question or in a manner which you didn't intend. The more you interact the deeper you fall and feed into their negativity. My only weapon and mechanism to cope at this point is to walk away and still remember to breathe.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New beginnings

This week is about new beginnings for me. Through a swift series of events I found myself on the verge of a major change within my life. I took a big leap of faith. Instead of feeling nervous or frightened by the change, instead I find that I have no real tangible feeling about it at all. Sometimes in life, you live day by day... I'm living moment by moment right now, just trying to remind myself to breathe. Time seems to slow and alternately go from one burst to another when you are out of your comfort zone.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

My Chime Garden is the voice of that little narrator in my mind, my constant companion, including photo and musical montages. Thus a garden of chimes has been created. A place where the narrator in my life will find its true voice and audience. Join my journey.