Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wings to Fly

Why did I drag my feet so long ? Allowing life to steal from my spirit. I became comfortable and complacent. I thought I was routed with golden handcuffs, which now I realize were just metal shackles around my ankles... anchoring me in place... disabling my ability to move forward in my life, the ability to move anywhere.

Nothing changes until something moves. I finally gathered the strength not just to get up and go, but to move... to change my life, leave everything I was holding onto so tightly go and when I did, I realized I had wings and could fly. Just like the fairies I love... I have wings with which to fly, songs to sing... eyes to see beauty in life.

Friday, September 19, 2008



I thought I had a lot to say, but then I edited it all away.
Per chance another day I will find the words to say.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Charmed Life, am I actually normal?

Week 3 of my venture. I could not be more pleased. It is true, when everything falls apart - it can be a positive thing because it does force you to decide which pieces to pick back up and which are of no value. It empowers you. I wake each day looking forward to what that day may hold... interactions with people who have no preconceived notion of me - thus I can be true to myself and share my true nature.

"I" have returned to a state where I can just be myself... and celebrate that. I do not regret my decision to radically change the complexion of my life... I am wondering why I didn't do this sooner? It has empowered me.

I'm still a bit neurotic... but I no longer wake up planning on how I am going to cope until bedtime. The fog that has resided in my head for so long is starting to lift and I think I may actually feel normal. I am not quite sure how to act when feeling normal - as I can not remember when I felt this way before... it has been many long years.

I look around and realize that I may have finally reached the point where I can start living that charmed life that has been so elusive for me and then I become confused because I realize that I am experiencing feelings of pleasure, to the point of ecstatic.