Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Charmed Life, am I actually normal?

Week 3 of my venture. I could not be more pleased. It is true, when everything falls apart - it can be a positive thing because it does force you to decide which pieces to pick back up and which are of no value. It empowers you. I wake each day looking forward to what that day may hold... interactions with people who have no preconceived notion of me - thus I can be true to myself and share my true nature.

"I" have returned to a state where I can just be myself... and celebrate that. I do not regret my decision to radically change the complexion of my life... I am wondering why I didn't do this sooner? It has empowered me.

I'm still a bit neurotic... but I no longer wake up planning on how I am going to cope until bedtime. The fog that has resided in my head for so long is starting to lift and I think I may actually feel normal. I am not quite sure how to act when feeling normal - as I can not remember when I felt this way before... it has been many long years.

I look around and realize that I may have finally reached the point where I can start living that charmed life that has been so elusive for me and then I become confused because I realize that I am experiencing feelings of pleasure, to the point of ecstatic.

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